September 29, 2011

i'm screwed!

i have many many many many many 
assignments, tests


September 26, 2011

eh eh eh eh eh

Egoist. That's you! No, we are. I mean, you and me.

September 15, 2011


lol-ing hard at his typo 'alaways'..puahahha..XD

He's the first Korean artist who replied my tweet..T__T..*terharu*..Hanhae! Active underground rapper in South Korea and currently works under Brand NewStardom and will make his debut this October with 'Phantom'. He supposed to debut with Block B but he couldn't make it to the final line. But he's still close with Zico and Jaehyo. I mad respect this guy since he fucking can sing and rap and he can compose songs too! Dopehae is dope i tell ya!


Did I mention he's also known as the King of Derps? lmao~
yeah, dia tak hensem. so what?

credits pic : 32bar.tumblr
credits youtube videos: uploaders

September 9, 2011

9th Sept.

生日快乐 - Shēngrì kuàilè
생일 축하 해요 - Saeng-ilchughahaeyo
お誕生日おめでとう - O tanjō-bi omedetō

Yes, gorgeous! Today is my birthday!^^

 and i found this!

Analisis Individu Yang Lahir Pada Bulan September Dari Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah

1. Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur
    Erkk..sopan santun? sumpah tak..bertolak ansur kadang-kadang~
2. Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur
    Cermat? tak...aku super clumsy. teliti? agak ar. ada certain time aku teratur ~
3. Suka menegur kesilapan org lain & mengkritik
    Heh? sebab tu aku penah pengawas kot? hampeh! menyesal~~
4. Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap
    Yes, i do agree i'm a quite person but seriously, i'm not good at talking.
5. Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati
    Cool? agak ah...sangat baik? hmm..aku rasa orang je buat baik kat aku, aku tak
    penah buat baik dekat orang..><..mudah simpati..ari tu aku naik bas duk sebelah     
    pakcik buta, aku rasa nak nangis..T_T
6. Sangat perihatin & terperinci
    Sama macam kat atas2 tuh~
7. Amanah, setia & jujur
    I hope so! ^^
8. Kerja yg dilakukan sangat sempurna
    I'm quite perfectionist when it comes about assignments and important stuffs~ 
9. Sangat sensitif yg tidak diketahui
    Agak ah..kadang-kadang benda kecik pon aku terasa..i f*king hate this actually..-_-
10. Org yg banyak berfikir 
      I love sudoku! and maybe that's the reason why i have serious hair 
      fall problem..sobs~
11. Daya pentaakulan yg baik
      Eh eh eh eh pentaakulan tu ape? OTL 
12. Otak bijak & mudah belajar
      Amin....sape xnk an??~~
13. Suka mencari maklumat
      Stalking!!! lmao~
14. Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik
      Sometimes, i keep them to myself..well, you know why~
15. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri
      Yeah, i love listening to SNSD - Way To Go and U-Kiss - Someday to keep me up
      when i'm down. It works! ^^
16. Mudah memahami org lain(daya firasat yg tinggi) krn banyak simpan rahsia
      Hmm...idk...but i do believe my instinct!
17. Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong
      Jega chongmal chuwahae!!! suka suka suka *menari-nari kegembiraan*
18. Kurang menunjukan perasaannya
      Its the fact! that's why most of my friends called me 'muka blur' -__-
19. Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan
      Hahaha..agak ahh..bila dah tak tahan meletup mcm volcano! lmao~
20. Terlalu memilih pasangan
      Eh eh eh eh eh in my face!...*hides*
21. Sukakan benda yg luas
      Yup! Suka tengok langit! tgk nme blog ar, laut pon suka jugak!
22. Bersistematik
      Tengok keadaan

Yes, its just an analysis after all. It can be true or wrong, depends on how we think about it...Wuu...wuu...I'm officially 20. no more '1', its '2'..sobs..gonna miss my 'teens' years..well, i'm still childish and sometimes i wish i can simply buy the 'maturity' at any available retail shops..and right now, i don't know why suddenly i'm thinking about aging, marriage and stuffs...puahahaha.~

 This is funny..~~
  Q: What is the best present for you?
A: A boyfriend 
forever laughing at Bom's answer!

gifs is not mine. 

September 1, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya ke-3

Salam. Raya tahun ini agak best. tapi lagi best kalau semua adik-beradik aku beraya dekat sini..T__T..Kak Na kena balik Perak ikot suami dia...tsk..tsk..tsk..sedih wei, rasa lain sebab biasanya dia yang paling semangat bab-bab raya ni..*sobs...btw, aku agak happy jugak la sebab hasil kutipan duit raya tahun ni agak memuaskan. Untung gila jadi anak bongsu, kau dah besar pon orang anggap kau kecik lagi..puahahaha..XD jangan jeles baby! paling tak boleh blah soklan femes orang tanya: bukak sem baru bila? ceyh..rosak mood raya saya...grrr~

Bergambar bersama anak-anak sedara. Gambar suami takde, dia ada kat Korea sekarang ni.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Maaf Zahir & Batin