July 22, 2011

lupa?nama pun manusia!

ini entri serius. serius, tak tipu. ehhmm..manusia tu ape? dalam bhse arab (aku penah blaja tp x smpai la tahap bhse arab tinggi, just komunikasi, tu pon aku dah tak ingat mane) manusia tu 'al-insan' yang di-derived kan dari perkataan 'an-nasia' (lebih kurang camtu la bunyi dia) yang bermaksud 'lupa'. so, dah tau manusia tu ape? manusia tu PELUPA. aku manusia, dan aku mengaku aku sorang yang pelupa. lupa nak bersyukur. tau bila tak cukup, mintak tapi bila dah dapat, terus lupa nikmat Dia. aku rasa menyesal gila sebab lupa nak bersyukur dan aku rasa aku dah dapat balasan Dia. 
Dari dulu sejak sekolah rendah sampai la SPM, result aku bagus. kira boleh lah mak ayah aku bangga. bila lepas SPM, aku masuk asasi. kira perancangan aku, masuk asasi tuh kos sekian-sekian, settle down n terus masuk degree kos sekian-sekian, grad, kerja, tunggu kahwin je. tapi silapnya masa tu aku banyak main-main. darah muda katakan.nak enjoy je kejenya. bak kata omputih ' live your life to the fullest'. tapi aku takde la smpai tahap extreme,buat kerja tak senonoh. aku perasan mase aku belajar kat situ, aku lupa kat Dia. aku sembahyang, tapi banyak dekat akhir2 waktu. Pastu masuk semester 2 pon aku lalai,lupa,alpa segala sampai la result MUET keluar. sekali Dia bayar cash kat aku. gila macam gelap dah masa depan aku. menangis keluar air mata darah pun tak guna. call mak, mak cakap "biasalah..selama ni kau dah dapat semua nikmat. semua exam kau bagus..ni Dia nak kau rasa mcm mane pahitnya kalau mnde yang kita nak tu tak dapat". aku terkelu. and then masa tu baru aku sedar, yang aku lupa yang 'kita hanya merancang, tuhan yang menentukan'. plan la pape pun, kalau Dia cakap tak jadi, memang takkan jadi. 
Lepas tu, aku dapat tawaran belajar kos yang aku tak minat. aku tak apply pon kos tuh. mse tu aku mengalami depresi. 4 hari takde selera makan, tak bercakap ngn sape2. mesej, call masuk pun aku tak layan. rasa mse aku tak de maknenya nak hidup, kira macam lost. lagi satu malu. malu dengan rakan-rakan n malu dengan sedara-mara aku yang expect aku akan dapat kos yang lebih extreme dari kos yang aku dapat tuh. lepas tu, mak aku pujuk. dia cakap "Dia lebih tahu".. lagi sekali kau terkedu. and then baru aku sedar yang aku sebenarnya lupa yang setiap berlaku tu ade hikmahnya. so, aku terima je offer tuh, w/pun pada mula nya agak pahit untuk aku telan. *gila skema ayat aku sia* dan aku dapat rasa hikmah aku dengan apa yang aky belajar sekarang. even aku still lagi tak suka 100% dengan kos aku, at least aku try untuk belajar menerima..^ ^

p/s: jangan lupa yang Dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita, jangan lupa berterima kasih dekat Dia dan jangan lupa juga berterima kasih dekat ibu yang selalu ada ketika susah mahupun senang.

eh lupa pulak! sekarang ni aku suka lagu ni. lirik dia menginsafkan aku. layan..~~~

D’Masiv- Jangan Menyerah

tak ada manusia
yang terlahir sempurna
jangan kau sesali
segala yang telah terjadi

kita pasti pernah
dapatkan cobaan yang berat
seakan hidup ini
tak ada artinya lagi

syukuri apa yang ada
hidup adalah anugerah
tetap jalani hidup ini
melakukan yang terbaik

tak ada manusia
yang terlahir sempurna
jangan kau sesali
segala yang telah terjadi

Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
kebesaran dan kuasanya
bagi hambanya yang sabar
dan tak kenal putus asa

*aku pon tak lupa jugak layan lagu2
mcm ni w/pun aku ni kpopper*

July 14, 2011

i do enjoy photo spams...

*follow my tumblr at your own risk*

July 2, 2011

Mom's Theory

she won't let me work for part time job = i will not have money = i will just stay at home, not going anywhere.

She's brilliant,huh?-___-

July 1, 2011

A Bitter Day

A bitter day, it will all get erased like this
It will all be forgotten someday
I might smile when the time comes
But I guess I can’t help it right now
Even though the weather is great, my mood is not
I think you’re teasing me, and I get mad
I struggle because of these situations I can’t handle
The exact opposite of me, the world continues spinning as if nothing happened
You were living just fine
It’s not fair, this is unfair
People who look at me while passing by pity me
Nothing goes right
I missed the place where I was supposed to get off at this morning
Because I suddenly thought of you, I got off at a lonesome station
Because it seemed lonely today of all days, tears just kept falling
I walked for a long time like that
I miss you, who I’ve been only hating, yet again
Because the days when I was weak with no strength to hold onto you were so pathetic
A bitter day, it will all get erased like this
It will all be forgotten someday
I might smile when the time comes
But I guess I can’t help it right now
I can’t do anything
Even though I’m sad because I’m thinking of you again right now
Even though it will be difficult, I’ll keep trying to erase you
No matter what I say, it will sound like an excuse
Even if I say that all of this was for you
Because you were too good for me
Because I was uncomfortable as if I were wearing clothes that didn’t match me
You’re beautiful, but you withered away from me
How do you think I felt while looking at that?
We should have just never started
I shouldn’t have looked into your eyes that first time
I thought I would be carefree once I let you go, but that wasn’t the case
My mind understands that we’ve separated
But my heart doesn’t want to accept it
Missing you and trying to erase you, it repeats every day
I’ll be the one to take all the pain
I’d like it if you were just happy
So that the choice I make now doesn’t go to waste
So that I don’t regret it
I’ll always pray for you
A bitter day, it will all get erased like this
It will all be forgotten someday
I might smile when the time comes
But I guess I can’t help it right now
I can’t do anything
Even though I’m sad because I’m thinking of you again right now
Even though it will be difficult, I’ll keep trying to erase you
It’ll be forgotten little by little
When time passes, I’ll be able to smile and reminisce
Instead of that common saying that time heals everything
Tell me something that actually works
You can receive so much more love than what you got from me
You’re as beautiful as ever
You said we’d be together forever
In the end, we’re the same as others
A bitter day, it will all get erased like this
It will all be forgotten someday
That day will come
Credits: Chris@4-minute.com

credits: uploader